
Do It on Your Own: From 3 to 5 Star Linked Open Data with RMLio

  • Time: 13h30-15h00
  • Location: Prentenkabinet
  • Level: Intermediate
  • Type: Workshop

Linking the Open Data has proven to be easier said than done. During the session, we will elaborate on the importance of semantically annotating Open Data and how existing technologies facilitate their mapping to Linked Open Data. We will introduce the RMLEditor and, you, together with us, can semantically annotate some Open Data! The goal is to show that domain-experts can model the knowledge without being aware of Semantic Web technologies or dependent on Semantic Web experts.

Feel free to share your notes with us!


Hello I'm Pieter Heyvaert

Pieter Heyvaert is a Semantic Web Researcher at iMinds - Ghent University, where he works on mapping data to Linked Data, using RML.

Pieter Heyvaert

Semantic web researcher

iMinds - Ghent University - MMLab

twitter Pieter Heyvaert linkedin Pieter Heyvaert

Hello I'm Anastasia Dimou

Anastasia Dimou holds a M.Sc. in e-Government technologies from University of Trento, Italy and a M.Sc. in Web Science from Aristotle University, Greece. As from 2013 she is a researcher in Semantic Web and Linked Open Data technologies at Multimedia Lab of Ghent University - iMinds. Anastasia has been involved in different research projects. Her main interest and expertise is related to knowledge representation, integration and management. She is focused on mapping and interlinking data to semantically annotate and integrate knowledge while and after publishing Linked Data.

Anastasia Dimou

Semantic Web Researcher

iMinds - Ghent University - MMLab

twitter Anastasia Dimou linkedin Anastasia Dimou

Hello I'm Erik Mannens

Prof. dr. ir. Erik Mannens heads the Data Science activities of iMinds & UGent - Data Science Lab, where he tries to fuse AI & Semantics.

Erik Mannens

Research Manager

iMinds - Ghent University - MMLab

twitter Erik Mannens linkedin Erik Mannens
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